Try This Powerful Thrusting Technique During Intercourse

The Penile-Vaginal Stroke Ratio is based on the length of your penis and its relationship to the vagina. There's an endless amount of ways you can vary your rhythm, speed, depth and timing while thrusting to create an incredible experience for her. The idea is to ensure that your penis is at all times remaining near the entrance of your partner's vaginal canal while you are thrusting.

What this means is that these receptors are "stimulated" by changes in the physical landscape of the vagina, through deformation (light and deep pressure receptors) that respond to pressure and through stretch receptors (also a form of deformation receptor) that respond to the stretching out of the interior of the vagina.

Thrusting techniques are how you thrust your penis in and out during sex. When these sorts of receptors are "set off" or "triggered," it is felt by the woman as a sense of being "filled." Not just "filled," but Sexually Filled. With that in mind, here are a few tips that can make the penis milking machine experience more enjoyable.

Penile girth is also an important aspect of this, but we are discussing penis stroke or penis 'length" in regards to triggering these receptors. Most of the time you'll be thrusting very shallow, roughly an inch or two in depth. This is because you are minimizing the amount of muscles that are being used in your body during thrusting, thus avoiding higher sensations of arousal that can occur through vigorous and deep thrusting.

Men who are interested in increasing their Stroke Ratio, up to 9:1+, realistic vagina stoker and who want to have a more visually impressive penis; and one that is functionally more impressive, from a woman's sexual-pleasure perspective, are encouraged to utilize penis exercising to reach these goals.

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